Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Random Bytes: Penguins, Lesbians, Kansan

.......[c]2007 by
Richard L Zorek

.........03.07.07............Officials in Kansas City have offered the Pittsburgh Penguins free rent if they relocate to KC. Officials? OK, it is Mayor Kay Barnes who has never minded trying to improve the city while passing the expense to its residents. The Penguins are also looking at Las Vegas. As long as Barnes is in office, though, the Penguins gamble in KC are probably more favorable with unlimited stakes..................A couple engaging in overtly sexual activity were asked to leave a IHOP (International House of Pancakes) in Grandview by the manager because the restuarant is a "family establishment" and the activity was innapropriate after several complaints. The couple claims "discrimination" because they were lesbian. Apparently being overtly sexual in public is wrong unless you are lesbian...................Kansas is moving a bill through the Senate to make "English" the offical state language. The orginal bill has designated "Kansan" as the state language. At least that's the way I heard it...

Sunday, March 04, 2007

John Edwards vs Ann Coulter

[c]2007 by Richard L Zorek........03.04.07.........A blog on John Edwards website included these comments by Edwards:

John Edwards on Ann Coulter's Comments

3/03/2007 at 5:22 PM EST

John Edwards released the following statement today:

Ann Coulter's use of an anti-gay slur yesterday was un-American and indefensible. In America, we strive for equality and embrace diversity. The kind of hateful language she used has no place in political debate or our society at large. I believe it is our moral responsibility to speak out against that kind of bigotry and prejudice every time we encounter it.

As reprehensible as he is suggesting it was, it seems to me that instead of really distancing himself from it, he instead is trying to make money off of it....and raise what he is calling "Coulter Cash." He also refers to Coulter as a "Republican mouthpiece", which I find offensive. Coulter is a conservative....very few Republicans are conservative. A lot of the follow-up comments on the blog, of course, were anti-Coulter (nothing new, of course), but, as usual, they applaud free speech...except the free speech that they disagree with. I think, in line with Coulters appears the liberals really do think she needs to go into rehab now. Her actual response to critcism was even better: Ms Coulter's response to the Republican criticism in an e-mail message: "C'mon, it was a joke. I would never insult gays by suggesting that they are like John Edwards. That would be mean."