Sunday, July 08, 2007

Sugar Creek Mayor Says Who Cares About Our Residents? They Are Just People...

...[c]2007 by
Richard L Zorek

Sugar Creek is following the Independence and local area tradition of stealing residents homes through an act called "eminent domain." The city wants to purchase 57 houses and 15 commercial buildings in order to develop a 40 acre retail and housing project. All they have to do is declare the area blight, and the eminant domain possibility is there. One resident said their house was declared "blighted" because the city didn't repair a pothole in the street next to their driveway. Mayor Stan Salva says the decision is clear: Taking the land from these people would create tax revenue for the city. Who cares about the residents?

Republican Candidates Do Not Understand Health Care Problems

.........07.08.07............Republican candidates are still touting a "tax incentive" to help consumers buy insurance. They are calling this "health care overhaul." This will NOT help the poor who do not have the money in the first place. When will the Republicans get it? Just this lack of understanding on the part of the Republicans may be enough to make me start looking for a good Democratic candidate.