Richard L Zorek
.........03.13.07............Kansas City International Airport has a new piece of art called "Strange Attractor of Kansas City," designed to suggest future travel through "wormholes or time machines" as concieved through the illustrations of Stephen Hawking. It was not announced what the cost of wormhole travel will be or if there will be first class and coach time travel..................Lenexa also has a work of art located near 87th street and I-35. It is called "Lenexas Wormhole". That name sounded more creative than "Bridge With No Purpose." Designers say it originally had a purpose and was to connect with 75th street, but the budget didnt have enough money to complete it and may not be completed until 2011. Until then, it is a wonderful display of concrete engineering which will probably need to be rebuilt by 2011 in order to meet safety standards...................ABC's Extreme Makeover is building a house in North Kansas City. They originally were brought here by a tearful request from Mayor Kay Barnes to build a new stadium for the Pittsburgh Penguins. However, the Penguins renegotiated with Pittsburgh and will stay there. So, the Jacobos family from North Kansas City were next on the list and got a visit from Ty Pennington and the crew on Sunday morning. "Wake up, Mayor Barnes and Penguins," Ty yelled, but quickly realized he had the wrong script and corrected himself. Ty said he thought it seemed like kind of a small neighborhood for a hockey stadium. The Jacobos have twelve people living in the house, though, so Extreme Makeover may need to build a stadium anyway. If they can't build a big enough house, the Sprint Center is available and Mayor Barnes is offering free rent........................Mark Funkhouser and Al Brooks held a small debate/forum for the Latino community at the Guadaloupe Center. Neither speak Spanish and never understood any of the questions. At least that's the way I heard it..... ........