"...This new sandwich
reminds of us of how.. awesome those voters are at voting in Kansas City!....."
.......[c]2005 by Richard L Zorek......12.05.05.....
Kansas City's election board wants to replace their current voting system. For about 30 years, Kansas Citians have been going to polls and using the punch cards to cast ballots. We aren't Floridians, after all, so we know how to punch a hole in a piece of cardboard. In fact, if Subways wants to make up for their negative promo signs about Kansas, they could issue one that says: This new sandwich reminds us of how awesome those voters are at voting in Kansas City!" (Obviously...I am not writing for an advertisement company).
The board made the decision despite concerns that staff members who said poll workers would have to learn how to operate the new voting machines. What has become of our sense of adventure and responsibity? When the punch card came in 30 years ago did they say "I dont think we could because people would have to learn how to punch a card." And if they did, I am sure the person who said it has long since moved to Florida.
The new system is supposed to be cost effective. The least expensive proposal would cost less than $2 million. The federal government will pay for the touch-screen machines plus most of the cost to replace existing punch-card systems with optical scan so the cost to local taxpayers would be less than $35,000. I am presuming that they dont mean each taxpayer and that the number is cumulative. If it is then I will donate $1.95 for a new punch card. I would hate to have to take out a bank loan just to vote. But the board hasn't picked out a vendor yet for its new machines.
Surely they will check with Sprint and see if they have something because they own most of Kansas City anyway. I still think the best voting method would be through Sprint by using those numbers they used for "American Idol." The candidates could perform: do a song and dance ( a new one we haven't seen or heard yet from a politician) and then we could vote and do eliminations every week until there is only one candidate left. That person would become president and they could throw in a record deal also.
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