"Watching You"
.......[c]2005 by Richard L Zorek......12.29.05.....State Sen. Jason Crowell might actually be seeing things the way they are, at least when it comes to traffic surveilance cameras. The Missouri Senator wants to ban police cameras at intersections aimed at catching red-light violators. The cameras aren't that selective, though, and are aimed at whatever comes through the light at any speed. Big brother watching you? Maybe. Take notice when you go through the light...but watch your speed limit and the signal while looking. Once a person is caught on camera, they are stopped by robotic policeman nearby who requests proper identification and ensure that all information is correct before issuing a ticket. All right the last part is not true, but that is the problem with the cameras. The cars owner is fined, even if the owner isn't driving the car. Those supporting the cameras(i.e., city/county treasurers, politicians, judges who like to collect fines w/o evidence) believe the watchful automatic eyes make all motorists safer.
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