Monday, July 24, 2006

The Mating Game

.......[c]2006 by DOMINO....7.24.06...........Last night I saw an vintage movie from 1959 called "The Mating Game," It starred, among others, Tony Randall and Debbie Reynolds. In the movie the IRS sent an ivestigator to a farm and through their own figures, decided that the people owed $50,000 in back taxes. The man was going to lose his farm that had been in the family for generations. One person remarked "once the IRS decides that is what is owed, then it is the end." In the movie, of course, the family does not lose the farm because it turns out the US owes them 14 million because of some horses that were taken from the ranch back in the Civil War (interest added up nicely). What I found interesting, anyway, was that even back in 1959 it was clear of how cruel the IRS is. They create figures and then just steal, plunder and destroy in ordere toi get what they believe is theres. And they are agents of the US government!!! IRS bothering you? Consider yourself lucky. They are not out to bother...they are out to destroy!!

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