Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Lenexa's Fear of Storage

.......[c]2006 by
Richard L Zorek....9.26.06.........

Lenexa City Council proves, once again, that fear makes for new policy. The council approved a resolution that would require managers of rental storage units to keep lists of all information (drivers licenses, social security, etc) of all renters and the police can have access to upon request. The associated press reported that David Daniel Lewis(a Lenexa police officer) said "We're looking at the people who have been arrested several times in the recent past and obviously have ongoing criminal enterprises....If you're talking about a 40-year-old who made a mistake when he was 18 and has been a good guy ever since -- we're not interested, and the last thing we intend to do is bother law-abiding citizens." Instead, it appears, they plan on running backgrounds on people and deciding who might be a potential criminal enterprise. Why don't they just get out a phone book, or go door to door, and just run a background check on everyone in the city? That is, after all, where this appears to be heading.

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