Sunday, December 03, 2006

The Way I Hear It 12.03.06

.......[c]2006 by Richard L Zorek

Kansas City Cheifs lose to a team with a quarterback (Cleveland Browns Charlie Frye) who had a broken wrist. News at 11, or on second thought, let's try and forget it........Hilary Clinton is moving closer to a run for the White House in 2008. When she ran for Senate the first time, she switched her residency from Arkansas to New York. She is now shopping for another home state for this run. Rumor has it that Iowa is up for sale but Florida has a great ocean view................Biden, Dowd, Bayh, Clinton, Kerry and Obama vs Brownback, Hagel, McCain, Giuliani, Tacredo and Hunter: truly, the war has barely begun..........President Bush is considering lifting a ban on drilling in Alaska's Bristol Bay. Black and Decker is putting the squeeze on him.................Former President Carter says he hopes to be buried in Georgia instead of Arlington. His wife Rosalynn, says she hopes that doesnt happen until after he is dead. .........The Justice Department and Department of Education agree that statistics are indicating school violence is on the upswing. They did not say whether their statistics are Fox News or CNN......At least that's the way I heard it.....

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