Sunday, January 21, 2007

American Idol: Calculated PR

"American Idol"

REVIEW: American Idol: Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul, Randy Jackson. Just entering its sixth season, it appears to be a show that isn't going to stop. But, it is a show that has entertainment for all. It is usally as enjoyable to watch the people in the auditions as it is to watch those who actually make the competition. Though it is kind of sad that some of the people in the auditions probably think they can sing. It's like that awful karaoke singer who gets up and sings everytime because she or he has convinced themselves they truly have talent. Clearly, some show up just to get on TV and be part of the "in" thing even though they know they have no talent. All the controversies that follow the show are just soundbytes that make it stronger. And every competition....if it is really looking for a true winner....needs critic like Simon. As the new season premiered, two issues kept American Idol before the press: an interview with Paula Abdul where she appeared drunk or falling asleep, and some really cruel comments by the judges toward some contestants. Excecutive Producer Ken Warwick, however, made no apologies. And why would he? The cruel comments could have been edited out, but they were purposely left in. That was no mistake. And, I dont think there is anything going on with Paula as far as drugs, but maybe she is a better actress than we give her credit for. The incidents bought them soundbytes and new interest in the show. American Idol does not have "controversies," just calculated PR stunts. And they work every year.

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