Sunday, January 28, 2007

President Bush Comes to Kansas City to Tell the Poor: Go Ahead and Die!

[c]2007 by Richard L Zorek............
President Bush came to Kansas City on Jan 25 in order to to tell a select group of people at St Luke's Hospital in Lee's Summit, that he doesn't acknowledge the plight of the poor when it comes to health care. Missouri Senator Kit Bond accompanied him. He came to promote what he is calling a "health care proposal," which in reality is nothing more than a tax break for the rich and upper middle class. Bush told the group, "There is no question in my mind that a proper role for the federal government is to help the poor and the elderly and the diseased get health care." But, he never offered any ideas onhow they are helping. His proposal isn't helping them. Bush proposed taxing employer-provided health care benefits, after allowing a $7,500 deduction for individuals and $15,000 for families. He said the plan would help individuals buy insurance, while keeping health care costs low. His plan does not help the poor and uninsured who truly need medical care. About half of the uninsured earn so little that they do not file income taxes, so the standard deduction would not help them. One of the "selected" audience member was an uninsured waitress. She was selected to give the impression that his plan really will help the poor. The truth is, though that she may be a waitress, but she has a husband who works also and they do not have a family riddled with health problems.

He told staff as he toured the hospital, “Medicine is finally catching up with the rest of America in the use of information technology, particularly this facility here." It is too bad that Bush and his administration hasn't caught up with the rest of America. People who don't get health care die. The last thing they say as they are dying is not "I wish I had a tax break."

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