Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Way I Heard It 01.07.07

......[c]2007 by
Richard L Zorek

.........01.07.07............Momofuku Ando, the creator of instant noodles has died in Tokyo. His body was prepared with water and boiled for one minute before burial...... ...........A tape was found in England which is appearing to be a recording of Jimi Hendrix performing the "Welsh National Anthem," recorded after his famous "Star Spangled Banner" performance at Woodstock. The French found one where he is doing "Le Marseillaise," the French National Anthem, and the Russians found one where he is doing "National Anthem of the Russian Federation." Nancy Pelosi found one in her own attic of him doing "I Am Woman.".................Sylvester Stallone has agreed to pay insurance premiums and wages for all illegal Mexicans in America. He said this after condemning actions to put a fence up between the US and Mexico saying "I support Mexicans who work in my country." He suggested he would donate all the profit off of Rocky Part 7, 8, 9 and 10. At least that's the way I heard it...........

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