Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Blunt and Sebelius May be Coming for YOU!

.......[c]2006 by Richard L Zorek......1.25.06.....

Kudos to Senator Kevin Engler of Farmington, Missouri and Representative Frank Miller from Independence, Kansas. Both have introduced legislation to stop the use of eminent domain in their perspective states. On the other hand, both Governor Blunt and Sebelius don't want to go that far. They both send out a political message that maybe the Supreme Court stepped to far in their federal decision on eminent domain, but still think it should be used. Sebelius touts the Kansas Speedway as an example of how eminent domain worked for the good of the community, even though 150 families were dislocated. Money first. People Second. Apparently that is the Blunt and Sebelius motto.

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