Sunday, January 22, 2006

I Read the News Today! Oh Boy...1.22.06

.......[c]2006 by Richard L Zorek......1.22.06.....
Notes I made as I read the Kansas City Star:....
Nine Osco Drug Stores in Kansas City area have added walk-in clinics. They have a medical adviser to do some checkups at the drugstore. Next up: they will be at the drive thru and maybe they will check your tire pressure also..............There's a few help wanted ads for bill collectors. Mentions benefits, wages, and even the possibility of training. Doesn't mention that you only need to have the IQ of a wicker basket and the temperament of a pit bull. Oh yes, rude and obnoxious people get top priority for these job openings. Isn't that discrimination? .............The automotive section spotlights a 1956 Chrysler Imperial owned by an Overland Park couple. Beautiful car. Built back in the days when they made them to last. And if you ever hit your head on this dashboard you would definitely feel it for many days or else they would have to hose you off of it. And it has the good old Chrysler size: like boats with wheel on them. They probably have to take in every few months to clean the Toyotas out of the fender is demanding an investigation into NSA wiretapping activities. They are still angry about not carrying any weight during the last presidential election.....Harry Belafonte used to be a singer of high regard. His career has been over for awhile and I guess he can't remember what he used to do. He has become a critic of "anything to do with Bush." Lots of incoherency and rambling. Time to get on the Banana Boat and go home.............A flyer for Verizon shows the new "Razr" cell phone. You can get them attached to sunglasses. Great. Now we will be seeing people walking around stores with sunglasses appearing to talk to themselves, instead of the few obnoxious ones who wander through stores talking aloud now with their hand stuck to their ear. Don't get me wrong, I think cell phones are fine and useful. But I have seen people do the stupidest thing with them. It's like chewing gum and walking: some can't talk or drive and be on a cell phone at the same time....

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