Monday, October 23, 2006

How Many More Will Die?

.......[c]2006 by
Richard L Zorek....10.22.06.........44 more people killed in Iraq, or so the report is today. The numbers are staggering. Without arguing the merits or non-merits of the war, I do have to wonder how other civilized countries of the world can sit around and listen to the reports of the bloodshed and yet offer to do nothing about it.


Anonymous said...

is that your opinion? your country is invading another one and you wonder why no other nation helps them if they fail? i don't think that's any other nation's business and it's not the us' either

RLZ said...

That is my point and thanks for affirming it. People dying "is not any other nations business." Too bad. But, my point wasn't that any other country should help the US, that is your assumption....and a wrong one at that. The fact that you post anonymously would suggest little backbone, anyway, on your part.