Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Media's Circle of Destructiveness

.....[c]2007 by
Richard L Zorek


Lisa Marie Nowak may or may not be the perpetrator of a crime. Everything is alleged. CNN's Tony Harris is guilty of being obnoxious. As are several other reporters from various stations. I use him as an example because I happened to catch the events as they unfolded on TV. As Nowak landed in Houston after being returned, Harris was prodding the reporter to speak with people who rode on the plane with her. The way people like Harris is treating this gives me nothing but sympathy for Nowak. If Nowak had an emotional breakdown, then she does not deserve to be treated like a criminal and especially not before a trial has occurred. And that information will not unfold until a trial happens. Reporters, of course, always seem to to think they know more than the average citizen and report accordingly. They are not, however, neither judge or jury. They just think they are.

In the Missouri case of Michael Devlin and the teens he kidnapped, there was no regard from the media in reporting that the teens in question has been molested. In fact the local and national press reported that it was probably many times. Did they take into consideration at all how the two teens might have felt about having this information reported all over the news? Does that not give them more to have to deal with? I am not defending Devlin, because in his case, he was caught with the victims.

The press proves over and over again how obnoxiously insensitive they are with almost every event that happens. They are driven by ratings which creates popularity which creates money which creates power which creates popularity which creates.....and on and on. Somewhere in this circle of newsmedia life creates the destruction of someone somewhere. And the press marches on.....

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