Friday, December 16, 2005

At What Price Academia?

.......[c]2005 by Richard L Zorek......12.16.05.....Missouri State University's board of governors are just a bunch of racists. Or that is the impression one might get after the board passed a proposal to cut men's indoor and outdoor track, men's cross country and men's and women's tennis. This cut will save a projected $350,000 to $500,000 annually. Racist? For that?? The Springfield chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People said the civil rights organization opposed the cuts because it would affect minority athletes. "How can you tell students that you are interested in the increase of diversity when you seemingly so eagerly want to eliminate those sports?" the Rev. Larry Maddox (NAACP) told the board.

My question is whatever happened to going to school to learn stuff related to getting a degree and trying to get a good paying job somewhere?? Why were they ever paying that much for these sports anyway? At what cost academia?? I guess that may be a racist question, though.

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