Thursday, December 15, 2005

God's Subpeona

"...the subpeona commands
God to release records and communications about the storm, why He had allowed it...."

......[c]2005 by Richard L Zorek......12.15.05.....
A House committee investigating the government's response to Hurricane Katrina issued a subpoena to God, to turn over documents. It stopped short of sending a similar legal demand to Jesus. The subpoena commands God to release records and communications about the storm, and possibly testify about why He allowed it, and whether He had let anyone in the government know about it. Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco (a Democrat)and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)exchanged barbs with Republicans on the committee about why the city was not ordered evacuated until the storm hit. Basically, the confrontation went like this: Republicans: "yes you did." Blanco/FEMA: "no, I didn't."Republicans: "yes you did." Blanco/FEMA: "no, I didn't." Republicans: "yes you did." Blanco/FEMA: "no, I didn't." Republicans: "yes you did." Blanco/FEMA: "no, I didn't." No one budged.

The House, in it's continuing effort to find people to blame for stuff, says God will clear this all up once and for all or go down trying. A spokesman from the Citizens Against House Committees With Way Too Much Free Time On Their Hands Foundation (CAHCWWTMFTOTHF), said it was "inevitable that they would eventually single out God a culprit. He has a pretty good image and these political committees love to tarnish reputations." Another spokesman from the House Committee said it was hoped that God would not be implicated in something of this magnitude because, "well, frankly, we don't know how we could punish Him." If the House can add the Almighty to it's list of people to blame, one suggestion is that they force Him to watch 72 hours of the House Committee in session, but issues before the Supreme Court on torture may stop that from ever happening.

As of this writing, the House had not yet reached God with the subpeona because no one from congress had ever tried to contact Him before and weren't sure how to do it.

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