Sunday, December 11, 2005

I Read the News Today! Oh Boy...12.11.05

......[c]2005 by Richard L Zorek......12.11.05.....
Notes I made as I read the Kansas City Star:....If Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut was running for President today I might vote for him. In his comments about the war in Iraq, he said about fellow Democrats "We undermine the president's credibility at our nations' peril." President Bush may have his own issues, but the key words are "our nation's peril..." Well said, Mr Lieberman. I am becoming dis-amused by the armchair generals who are espousing opinions about what is wrong in Iraq and why we shouldn't be there. Unless they had that same opinion and declared it BEFORE we went to war...I am not interested anymore. No one with any sense goes to war and then thinks "whoops, we can't win.....let's go home." I take that back....when I was playing "army" with my 8 year old friends we did that, but we just stomped into the house and bawled a little.............Have the elves been retired? I notice the ad for Nebraska Furniture Mart says "Santa Shops Here!" I presume they have to fall under some "truth in advertising" polices, so Santa must really shop there. I have never seen him there unless he is incognito. It's looking like the Christmas story about the elves is going to change in the future and pretty soon Santa will be getting all his stuff from various stores. Why Kansas City? Must be that Nascar track or something.....There's a 4 page section about the Kansas and Missouri Schools assessment tests reports. I read it, but don't know what I read. Glad I didn't have to take the test if it is as hard to understand as the results. And what do the results mean? Means if you didn't read the question right, you may have embarrassed your whole school district and now the whole state and now God is probably got some words to say to you, buddy......

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