Sunday, January 15, 2006

I Read the News Today! Oh Boy...1.15.06

......[c]2006 by Richard L Zorek......1.15.06.....
Notes I made as I read the Kansas City Star:....
The Supreme Court nominee, Samuel Alito, will likely get confirmed. But the confirmation process isn't a really a confirmation process as much as it is a political witch hunt. You would think, from the reactions of some Senators (like Ted Kennedy) that they want judges who have no opinions. That is totally opposite of what they want now that the judicial branch of government has largely quit making judgments and started becoming political activists . .............The Los Angeles Times released a report suggesting that President Bush overuses the word "heck" a lot. They are counting. What, no news in California? I find that to be a heck of a hard thing to believe........A report says "The number of Kansas elementary and secondary students declined by 1 percent from 1972 to 2002." Well, I'd say if that other 99 percent can't pass after 30 years they should just give up anyway......Missouri Rep Bryan Pratt, of Blue Springs, is working on a preference to give Jackson County residents a break if the their taxes are used to renovate Arrowhead and Kauffman stadiums. A break on tickets was one suggestion. How about NO tax? That would benefit everyone. Clearly, the plan apparently has no merit on its own, so they have to come up with incentives to get people to vote for it. Why not let the team owner renovate his own field?.......The fifth American Idol search has started and will begin airing shortly. So many artists to record and create more CDs for the clearance rack................Westlake/Ace Hardware has a "Peanut/Sunflower" Seed Feeder advertised for $5.99 Why would someone need to feed a sunflower or a peanut? ............Comp USA is having a 2 day sale on computers: 36 months; No Interest! I am not sure how you can buy a new computer and not be interested in it for 36 months, but if you think you can, go see them......At "Linens N Things" you can buy one framed picture and get the second one half off. Why would you only want half of a framed picture?......

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