Monday, January 16, 2006

Martin Luther King Jr Holiday!

.......[c]2006 by Richard L Zorek......1.16.06.....
Today is Martin Luther Kings Jrs Birthday. The government issued one anyway. He was famous for being black in America in the 60s. We didn't have any holidays that had to do with black people in America. So, for fear of being labeled racist, King was picked as the best one and his birthday became a holiday. King's personal life is still a controversy today. If one says something against him or the holiday they run the risk of being called a racist. I guess they needed someone political because I would have picked Sidney Poitier for his accomplishments as an actor, or Charley Pride for his accomplishments in country music, or Ray Charles for his accomplishments in all kinds of music. The common denominator is that they are all black. Just the idea of it having to be considered makes it a race issue in my book. I am not a racist because hate as many white people as I do black people. People are people: white, black, or other. Don't get me wrong,. I think King did some great things. He wrote the book on modern day civil disobedience. And maybe it's all worthy of a holiday. But my point is that the more we concentrate on race, the longer the race issue stays. And all the issues that come with that.

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