Friday, June 30, 2006

Too Big; Too Busy: Goodbye!

....[c]2006 by Richard L Zorek......6.30.06.....I have a lot of complaints about the medical community. I am uninsured and cannot get proper medical help even if my life depended on it, it seems. But, that's a whole other article (which will be forthcoming). There are organizations that should be easier to access: churches. I just quit going to the church I was going to: First Family Church in Overland Park. Though I usually enjoy the message of Pastor Johnson, in my time of need I could not get anyone to respond. Couldn't get an "appointment." And it's a rarity that anyone returns an email, in fact I have never had anyone return one except for once when I begged them to respond. So, I went to another church that's closer, thinking I might get someone to talk with me there. I was dissapointed to find it was the same thing. No one in the office today. Call and get an appointment. That was Antioch Church of Overland Park. I remember attending a mega-church in Aurora, Colorado back in the early 90s and in my time of real need I went to the church to find someone to talk to. I remember over hearing someone say "does he have an appointment?" How disheartening it must be for people in need to come to a church looking for help, spritual guidance, anything....only to hear that. Apparently, the churches are becoming too slick and too business like to be of much good to a hurting world. They seem too busy doing their church thing to be helpful. That's a strong accusation. But it is what I am feeling today.