Thursday, September 14, 2006

Let's Just be Blunt About It

.......[c]2006 by
Richard L Zorek....9.14.06.........

Governor Matt Blunt's attempt to require voters to have a picture ID (like a license) was struck down by a Missouri State judge (Cole County Circuit Judge Richard Callahan). Callahan ruled that the requirement is a particular burden to women and the poor. That's because a separate Missouri law requires those getting or renewing a driver's license to show they are lawfully in the country, generally with a birth certificate or passport. Blunt wrote after the ruling, "This is a constitutionally sound law that will help improve Missourians' confidence in the elections process and help combat those who attempt to manipulate the system." Blunt might get more faith in the system, but he clearly doesnt speak for the poor. Maybe if he did, he might see more voter confidence by that demographic, which he probably lacks.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

One of Many Reasons I am No Longer a Republican

.......[c]2006 by
Richard L Zorek....9.13.06.........

The Republicans just playing politics? Of course they are. And the Rhode Island primary makes it clear. Lincoln Chafee's win over Steve Laffey seals the evidence. Though, it would still be evidence even if Chafee would have lost. The Republican Party gave their support to Chafee because he is more moderate and they think that will make him a more viable win in the November elections. What about the "good of the nation" or even the "good of Rhode Island?" Laffey is too conservative for them. "Too conservative" for a Republican just means that they have more heartfelt convictions.