Sunday, July 09, 2006

If I Were an Apple, I would Have Arlen Spectors Attention.

.......[c]2006 byRichard L Zorek......7.09.06...........
On April 15th, 2003, Sen Arlen Specter (R-PA), a senior member of the Appropriations Committee on Agriculture, Joined 24 of his fellow senators in a bipartisan letter to the Dept of Agriculture, urging the department to improve the crop insurance policy for apples throuhgout the country. These improvements include options to upgrade coverage from the cider grade and would provide adequate coverage against unpredictable weather and volatile markets
What Sen Arlen Spector did not do that year was ask for any insurance polcies, coverages or issues realting to insuring the people of the United States. They signed off the letter by saying "We thank you for your timely attention to the concerns of apple farmers across the country regarding their crop insurance needs." If I were an apple, or an apple farmer, I guess I might get his attention.